Pure Polyester powders are good for out door use where considerable amount of sunlight is present. They have good weathering and mechanical properties and resistance to over baking. The surface finish has higher orange peel. TGIC is used as a hardener. It is used for glossy and semi glossy finishes.
Posted by Admin • January 27th 2010 • Category: Photography • 256 Comments
Epoxy-polyester powder coatings are based on a combination of polyester and epoxy resins. This chemistry of powder coating finds its target market in a wide range as a vast range of special effects are possible, hence this chemistry finds wide range of applications. Hybrids perform well in non-weather able applications.
Posted by Admin • January 27th 2010 • Category: Photography • 256 Comments
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Proin sollicitudin porta hendrerit. Vivamus fermentum leo eget tellus luctus
Mauris pulvinar porta tincidunt. Morbi luctus, lacus nec commodo condimentum
John Doe Says:
In malesuada, libero et dapibus molestie, sapien lectus mollis metus, interdum facilisis massa libero ultricies libero. Sed iaculis dapibus leo, a varius massa commodo in. Maecenas cursus velit eu tellus porta dapibus non sagittis libero. Aenean at magna est, sed congue metus. Integer convallis aliquet est, vel hendrerit est vulputate utJane Doe Says:
Suspendisse nunc nibh, pretium id rhoncus non, pretium id ligula. Morbi adipiscing nulla in est mattis aliquet gravida sit amet sapien. Maecenas cursus velit eu tellus porta dapibus non sagittis libero. Aenean at magna est, sed congue metus. Integer convallis aliquet est, vel hendrerit est vulputate ut Maecenas cursus velit eu tellus porta dapibus non sagittis libero. Aenean at magna est, sed congue metus. Integer convallis aliquet est, vel hendrerit est vulputate ut